But First Remembrance Day!

We are all set and ready to launch our Holiday Collection for 2015.  There are many new and exciting things to showcase, but we will wait a few more days.  At Cornelia Bean we want to take the time to respect those who lost their lives and those who served to give us the freedom we all enjoy today.  I am always moved to see the veterans who stand to solute this great country, and am honoured that they fought for us. LEST WE FORGET!  My father served as a merchant marine with the allied forces in World War 2.  It took its toll, but back in the day, there was no discussion of PTSD.  After the war he immigrated from The Netherlands, along with my mom, raised 6 children, and became very successful.  I am very proud and in aw of my parents.  They came from a war torn country and settled in Winnipeg, at the time completely foreign, although somewhat welcoming. Its an incredible story and one that I want to remember and pass on.  We all have stories to share, it's important to pass them on and to remember!

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